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Damn, I haven't updated in ages! >_<

#35 Final Fantasy IX (PS2)

"I do what I want! You have problem?!"


The most charming Final Fantasy ever? That would be Final Fantasy IX.

Final Fantasy IX feels like an old friend. (Don't make me explain, 'cause I can't ) It "knows" me; it knows what I like. When I want some lighthearted fun, it gives me that. When I'm in for deep or touchy stories, that's precisely what Final Fantasy IX provides. Comedy, Tragedy, Love Stories; Final Fantasy IX has it all.

The game offers a great variation of different locations and characters. Speaking about characters you have sneaky rats, rusty knights, freaking black mages and god-knows-what-with-an-enormous-tongue. Queen Brahne gives you an idea of what Kefka would look like after an "Eat 100 cakes" contest. An excellent cast if you ask me.

There are lots of things about Final Fantasy IX that I miss in many other Final Fantasy's: I really like when a character has a certain class; I want to have my black mage, thief, fighter. It gives the characters more personality, and makes every character more unique and important. The art style of Final Fantasy IX is just awsome. If (when) Squeenix remakes Final Fantasy VI and they don't turn it into an animated Amano painting (my wet dream) then Final Fantasy IX's art style would be perfect.


#34 Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (PS2)

"A horse wiener!? Now, THAT's dangerous!"


An extremely hardcore SRPG with überfunny story, tons of classes and kamikaze penguins? Sold.

If you can get from start to finish without ever smiling then you have no soul. If you beat Disgaea without ever screaming in pain because a bunch of evil monsters that can't spell "levelcap" just beat the crap out of you in a most unfashionable manner, then you aren't human.

The cast in Disgaea is great. Laharl is one of the best "heroes" ever and is the master of insulting all and everything. He is the definition of "Evil @!&%?$ bastard". He wouldn't think twice before saying something insulting about Darth Vader's grandma. He's that evil. Etna is...something worse than evil. Flonne on the other hand is made of 100% goodness and doesn't ever miss a chance to preach about love. Being more clueless than Osaka of Azumanga Daioh only adds to the cutiness.

While the story is pure comedy, the battles are totally brutal. If you think you might be able to win this battle the game will rape you twice for being such a fool. Venture where you shouldn't and you will get punished; the game will laugh you in the face while it tickles your toes with a feather and washes your brain with melted iron. Yes, this is good stuff.