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There are JRPG fans who seem to long for JRPGs to be large sellers, or somehow get a "revival" of sorts.  Well, I will assume that this talk doesn't mean you have a JRPG that would remain on the VGChartz top 10 list for a long time, and be seen as a "killer app" that has the world talking. Well, maybe it has that, but what would a "next gen" or some other "revived JRPG" look like?  Is there some place where the formula would end up being changed so much that it wouldn't really be a JRPG as you know it?  I would say, for example, take Valk. Chronicles.  People argue that is a JRPG.  Well, is it?  Wouldn't that be seen as a better fit for what is known as a "Strategic RPG" or a "Tactical RPG" (like Jagged Alliance)?

Is it possible that RPGs to be RPGs will move beyond the "JRPG" or "Western RPG" mold, into just an RPG, or happen to merge with other genres, and be a FPS-RPG like Borderlands, or a puzzle-RPG like Puzzle Quest, so that there is both innovation and also improved sales numbers?

Ok, so what would a "revived JRPG" look like?  Is it the same thing from the past, just on Blu-Ray for more detailed cut scenes?