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Profcrab said:
Sqrl said:
It is worth mentioning that the newer models most certainly seemed to have improved the failure rate and significantly so, no doubt about that.

But I strongly disagree that this issue shouldn't be beaten into the heads of every potential consumer. MS made the choice to skimp on cooling and apparently to skimp on they should pay the price and yes that price includes more than the $1.1B they put up to fix all of these also includes a legend that simply will not die..and when failure rates are this high..they earned it.

Does it mean people shouldn't buy a 360? Of course not, thats just ignoring reality.

I am baffled by your logic. So, even if Microsoft fixes the problem and extended their warranty, then threads regarding the failure rates of the first revision of the 360 should be posted on a regular basis just to remind everyone that it happened. Microsoft had a design flaw that cost them alot of money and is/was a headache for alot of consumers. They took steps to correct it and try and repair their image. They didn't murder puppies and hurd people into gas chambers. Microsoft will get whatever reputation they earned, good or bad. These threads are just fanboy attacks on the 360 though. The internet doesn't need annual war memorial threads to remind people of broken 360s.

Unless people start threads with new information, then they are just beating a dead horse.

First I understand that you aren't defending their original product.

As for my logic: I am saying that it is fair game to mention that MS was behind what is quite possibly the least reliable piece of console hardware ...ever. And I am saying that any time someone has a RRoD I think it is totally legit for them to blow off a bit of steam on a forum. In this case the RRoD story came to us via an article...not much difference to me, these people are clearly pro-360 and letting off a bit of steam at their missfortune.

People will likely talk about the 360 failure rates and use it as a pop-culture reference for generations to come (console generations anyways) and they have earned that legend.

Those points are in no way contradicted or erased by the fact that they have fixed the issue. Fixing the issue means that people should be able to feel safe in a 360 purchase (provided its the new version).

The short version of what I am saying is this: MS deserves the ribs, the jests, and the jabs being shot their way by folks all over the internet. What they do not deserve is vicious troll hatred and acrimonious derision. The difference is usually a bit of foam at the corner of one's mouth.

And to be fair, I'm not saying that it should be bash MS hour all day every day, just that when the topic does come up it is fair game to give it a bit of ribbing provided its done in good fun. And I would expect folks to back off if people get touchy about it, the point is a jest not a fight.

edit: I wanted to add that maybe I'm not in the same mindset as 360 owners, but that if I had a product in a similar position I would probably be among the people ribbing the company even if I loved the product.  Company =/= product.  Product is fine now, company still deserves a stained record. 

To Each Man, Responsibility