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EntilZha said:
Soriku said:
EntilZha said:


You should forget about that until you get better weapons (and maybe armor). Diablos is weakest to ice, and there's no ice hammer that you can get without the Awaken skill, so just forget that. Get an Amber Slash which needs 5 Carbalite Ores. To upgrade this even further you need to kill Barioth in high rank which you can't do now.

Those extra offline quests should be done after you progress through online more.

I am glad you said that. I thought I was just playing very badly. I thought someone in this forum had said those Urgent Requests were designed to be completed with low level armour and weapons. I just could not see how it could be done. I have not even seen Carbalite Ore yet, so I guess I have a ways to go.

My advice is to try to complete it with offline armor.  You will do it eventually, and you get to feel a true sense of pride when you pull it off.  It will also make you a better player, becoz you'll have to rely on strategy more than sheer armor/weapon power.  I struggled with several of the final quests (Lagi n' Rath especially) but when I finally figured it out that joy could not be duplicated.

Most problems I've found in the final quests come down to two things:  Are you struggling with taking too much damage, or taking too much time?  The time limit is what caused me the most anguish.  I didn't faint often, but just couldn't seem to cause enough damage.  A couple of the quests I beat with less than two minutes left (or less), so my strategy involved buffing my characters attack with lots and lots of damage boosting potions and bombs (with bombardier!). 

For most of the quests I used a full Urugaan set and loaded up on bombs and traps (combination success is 100% with Urugaan armor) and got the felyne food skill Pyro.  I switched my weapon depending on the quest, but with the twin Diablos' I used the Undertaker lance.

If you don't have Urugaan set, I'd suggest trying to accumulate that and see what you think.  Also, farming for rustshards could help as well, and maybe you'll get a rusted "whatever" weapon with Dragon element. 

As for Diablos specifically, I suggest sticking one with a paintball and focusing on that one exclusively.  If he leaves, chase him down and try to ignore the other one.  Eventually they'll each go to sleep when damaged enough, and you can likely bomb them to death while they're snoozing.