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i had to sign up just to defend ff13 cos it is getting old....... yeah, there's no towns and a diminished sense of exploration, starts off a little slow at the beginning, but seriously, anyone who says this is just press x is full of shit. and anyone who says the story is cheesy, as if previous final fantasies weren't extremely cheesy at time, maybe needs to replay the old games to get a refresher on just how j-cheesy this series has always been.

in previous final fantasies, you got to a point where you were so powerful that yeah you can just press x over and over and beat everybody. so it's not like "just press x" is new to the series.

in ff13, the battle system more than makes up for any flaws this game has. i really don't know how people got through this game with a "just press x" strategy and it smells like a lot of bs. because for me, there was a loooooot more depth than just press x. i have never had to think so much about strategy, ive never died so many times, in a final fantasy game. set up my paradigms right, perfect the switching timing, know when to cast ruinga, know how to build up the stagger faster, picking the right moments to heal and buff and debuff as quickly as possible... there was a lot to this game. every single boss battle was extremely satisfying, and a lot of the random battles as well. yeah, you definitely get good at it over time, but the challenge increases as well. especially if you're doing the gran pulse missions. how awesome it felt to try to debuff a boss and try and try and try to stay alive until finally it stuck.. and then BOOM full force attack... seriously, i have never enjoyed battles as much as i did in this game, it actually felt like yeah my party is just three little human beings fighting a giant fucking monster. this game conveyed that feeling perfectly. you couldnt choose every single action because there was no time for that! super high paced battles that felt grand on scale. i fucking loved this game (and if you need to see my resume, blah blah ive played every single final fantasy and every single square game since snes up to ps1)

but i guess to each their own, and i wish people respected that. if you didnt like the game then fine. why are you wasting time and energy hating on this game on the internet? go talk up a game you like instead. for me, personally, i hope they keep the battle system for the next one and bring in the things that was lacking.

merry xmas everybody.