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Kasz216 said:
rakugakist said:
Kasz216 said:
rakugakist said:

Kasz216 said:
rakugakist said:
Kasz216 said:
whatever said:
PDF said:

Yes we should legalize and TAX the shit out of it.

Pot smokers dont deserve to go to jail, but since they have less of a positive influence on society we counter balance this with taking all their damn money.

Not sure where your getting this from.  In college, a lot of the smartest people I knew smoked pot.  It seemed very popular among physicists.  I think it was because theoretical physics require quite a bit of imagination to figure things out.  It's quite mind-bending to try and understand some of the complex theories in physics.

Weed doesn't actually make you think any deeper or imaginitive, it just makes you think dumb ideas are smart... try having a philosphy major have a conversation with a bunch of stoners and you'll see what i mean.

Go home and burn half your music, and while you're at it destroy half your games, cause the people that created that shit were probably real fucking high on drugs.

Which has to do with what?  Most music, including "good" music is actually pretty dumb from a pure lyrics department.  I mean, the Killers... how much drugs do you think they do?  Doesn't really change the beat.

Music by design is supposed to be "stupid".  If it's literal, it doesn't lend well because you are disctracted by the lyrics.

And most games... well actually most games if anything don't have stupid ideas anymore... I much perfered it when they did because that meant more time was spent on gameplay.

Was Miyamoto high when he came up with SMB?  Probably, the idea isn't want makes SMB what it is though.  It's the gameplay.


The Killers?  Seriously?  Okay.

You made a comment about drugs making people imaginative, and then go to talk about "stupid" ideas, and music and games having "stupid" ideas.  I'm starting to wonder if you're high.

My comment had nothing to do with people acting stupid when they're high.  My comment was about positive and creative ideas stemming while people are high, which has happened for centuries, no matter what the drug is.

Drugs can cause a positive influence on society.

And, Miyamoto.  Come on, he created the gameplay.

I bet he wasn't high at work while he was doing it.  ANYTHING can cause a positive influence on society, including murder.  The question was  the chances  vs positive vs negative influence.


Comparing murder to marijuana is a pretty big step.

Does marijuana cause people to act slow, stupid, and lazy?  Yes, everybody knows that, but so does television.

I do agree with you on one point, that it is the person's right to choose.  I just think you're overlooking the positive outcomes that marijuana has had on this society.  And, I'm not talking about the KIllers.

Weed doesn't create talent, but it helps some people present it.  It helps imaginations run wild and brings out the deepest in some people, thus it makes them more imaginative.

That's all my argument is. I'm also not talking about stupid stoner philosophy students that come up with a basic idea and think it's genius because they go, "Whoa, man..."

Bolded I agree with.  TV as well has more negatives then positives.  Though I do like me some TV.  You don't think the world would be a better place if less people watched TV?  Most things people want to do are at a net negative. 

Italicized I do not.

Marijuna brings out creativity in the same way cigarettes relax people and alchohol makes people more social.

Most of it is a placebo effect, and the rest is the fact that you've gotten so addicted to the product that you have problems without it purely BECAUSE of your addiction.

You're completely ignorant.