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9. Resident Evil 4 - Gamecube

Due to a few forgettable spin-offs and some lousy movies, the Resident Evil series wasn't doing so hot in the early 2000s. But then, Shinji Mikami decided to start all over. And boy, I'm glad he did.

The result was a game, that became one of the most imitated of the last 20 years, with it's over-the-shoulder viewpoint and smart implementation of quick-time events.

Resident Evil 4 actually made a serious run for the number 1 spot, but ultimately settled at number 9.

8. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Gamecube

Some people say Echoes is the black sheep of the Prime trilogy. Even if that were true, being the black sheep of the best trilogy in video game history isn't necessarily such a horrible thing.

The hunt for the nine Sky Temple Keys admittedly dragged on for a little too long, but that is the only thing holding this jewel back from breaking the top 5. From the moment you crash-landed on Aether, to the fierce battle with the Emperor Ing, there isn't a single unmemorable moment in this game. The gameplay was sharp, the music kicked all kinds of ass, and to this day, Aether remains one of the most compelling and utterly wonderful video game settings of all time.

I give this game my highest recommendations.