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Joelcool7 said:

Your partially and mostly right. Conservatives in any shape or form want to conserve the government of the present or recent past. Now depending on which country you live in this could be very good or very bad, or it may not matter to you.

For me here in Canada I love the Government we have now and had in the past. I like our Government health care, our military programs , our welfare system and our diplomatic stances with the world. Thus I am Conservative. The far left NDP and many Liberals want greater privitization of health care, less welfare, changing our military programs etc...etc... Thus why I am not Liberal.

Where as as I said if I were American I'd vote democrat. Why? Because I never liked America the way it was. I believe in stiffer gun control, less military provocations (More talking) , public health care and other things. I may not agree with everything but I'd vote democrat in the States.

This is why I said you can't nescessarily group all Christian's as right wing or all right wingers as Christians. Their are several things worth conserving in all countries well at least most. Just because someone wants to conserve stuff doesn't make them evil, narrow minded or fascist.

As for no Christian left? Obama claims to be Christian. Clinton claimed to be Christian. The leaders of the Liberal Party often claim to be Christian. Infact I can't recal hearing of a Non-Christian leader in the US in the last few decades and they haven't always been right wing.

I know in my area their is a Sihk who ran for the Conservative Party and I know I heard about an Athiest running for the Blue's as well. It has nothing to do with religion, yes religious leaders like to protect their religions cultures, customs and beliefs but other then that you can't just blanket all religious people as conservative or vice versa!

There's a reason why I chose to ignore local political and economic policies. Current day politics blurs everything up.

I was talking about conservative thinking in general, which means idealising a mythical period in the past, when things are seen as having been better, and striving to bring society back to that primitive era (even though it's impossible, as society has changed and can no longer work under that structure), or in other words a regression. Read Plato's Republic to get a better ideea of what conservatism is (and also totalitarianism).

Also, Obama and Clinton would hardly be representatives of politicians who have a Christian agenda (and they're also hardly left wingers by European standards). There's a difference between saying "I'm a Christian" and "we are a Christian nation who has to live by Christian principles and laws, and whomever disagrees is an enemy of the country" like right-wingers like Bush said. Also, from what I've noticed most left wingers are what is called Liberal Christians, who don't hold traditional Christian beliefs (non-Christians are going to hell, gays are evil etc.).

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
