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Joelcool7 said:

Maybe Christians are the majority because the US is predominantly Christian. But other countries other religions take the right and left sides.

Thats a fairly offensive view as to what Conservatives are about. But then again neither of us are american. Here in Canada I am Conservative but in the US I would be Democrat. Still I gotta say Conserving our countries laws, history etc...etc.. is really important to me.

But as I said in Canada I'm a card carrying Conservative but in the US I'd be Democrat. I think its sort of hard to stereo type all Conservatives or Democrats into bunchs. Politicians and voters all have their own opinions and people of all faiths and beliefs belong to all sides.

We're talking about the fact that right wingers in the US assume the identity of "Christian right", considering themselves to be the defenders of Christianity (and seemingly not understanding the concept separation of Church and State). It's obvious that there will be no "Christian right" in a predominantly Muslim country, but you can be sure that the right wing in thsoe countires is largely religious, and more often than not promoting theocracies.

It's conservatives who usually give great importnace to religion (I've never heard of a religious left).

As for my view of what conservatoves are about, well I'd say it's a pretty accurate view of conservatism. Note that I did not take into consideration stances on certain local political and economic issues, and simply stated a view about the basic characteristics of a conservative person and his/her personality and way of thinking.

Conservatives want to "conserve", and any "change" they ever want is nothing more than regression to the old days which they view as a mythical time when everything was perfect. Conservatives view that anything new, unknown, different from the status quo is bad, dangerous, evil, and needs to be surpressed and eliminated.

Conservatives don't care about the well-being of people, they care about the well-being of a traditional societal structure which should be maintained at all costs (they view it as a living entity, although it's merely a cultural construct made up by humans), despite the fact that the world is constantly changing (or better yet our knowledge of the world, because despite what conservatives think many things are unknown to us, including the big questions about the world that traditional "wisdom" has not answered, but merely provided made-up answers like religion to make people feel better and more secure), and that we need to awknoledge the changes and adapt to them constantly.

As for the fact that you'd be a Democrat if you lived in the US, well let's just leave political parties out of this. See, a party's ideology depends on that pf the majority of it's members. Democrats used to be very conservative in the past (think 19th century), while current day Repiblicans are nothing like Republicans a century ago. Also, very few mainstream parties in developed countries are as right wind as the Republicans in the US.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
