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10. Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes

Sure, I played and owned the original, but this version is mo betta.  Also my first interactive movie, MGS played an important factor in my decision to buy a PS1.  A co worker of mine during my Taco Bell days hyped this game to the heavens so I gave one of my managers $300 cash to pick me up a PS1 with this game on her break.  I couldn't wait to get home from work to see what the fuss was all about.  I'm glad I listened to my friend.  Great leading character, arguably the greatest villains in video game history, smooth gameplay and production.  An all around great gaming experience.  I haven't played a MGS game since.  Actually, I sold my PS1 to my friend that recommended the game to me in the first place, but not before playing NUMBER 9 ON MY LIST....

9. Final Fantasy VII

My first Final Fantasy.  The only other console Final Fantasy I've played (FFXIII being the other).  I think enough has been said about the greatness of this game in this thread. 

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2