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Khuutra said:

Number 12

Final Fantasy VI

This game was the first Final Fantasy I bought after beating Final Fantasy IV; in fact it may have been the next game I bought altogether. I did some cursory research; I was not sure what to expect out of it, but the size of the cast made me wary. I was sure that most of them wouldn't be properly developed, and that was something I cared about a lot at the time.

Then the game came in the mail, and I played it, and it destroyed all of the assumptions i had made about the genre.

Thirteen characters, ten of whom had literally hours devoted to the character development and the other three of whom (Mog, Umaro, and Gogo) were either funny enough to support themselves or can be forgiven for being easter eggs of a sort. It was unlike anything I had ever seen in a game before, and to this day I still manage to be impressed by how much content they managed to cram into that little cart. Of all the Castlevanias, this one very probably had the best cast.



10. Super Mario Bros. - NES

What better way to start off the top 10 than with the very face of video games? Forget what I said about Zelda. This is the definition of "classic." If it wasn't for this game, gaming would drastically different from what it is today, and probably not for the better. No, scratch that. Definitely not for the better. Super Mario Bros. pretty much single-handedly saved the video game industry, and for that, I am endlessly grateful. And so should you be.