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I gotta say not being American I could care less.

However its a re-accuring theme American's absolutely hate their Government for some reason. They hate the republicans when their in power, hate the democrats when they are in. Hate almost every President that gets elected. They agree with something then two three years later disagree.

I feel sorry for all the politicians in the US, it seems American's just hate them.

You have to realize that sometimes the best interest of the country isn't in your best interest. Sometimes some stuff has to be done that you'll disagree with. This is a fact nobody with that kind of power can keep everyone happy at all times. They need to make tough decisions at times that will alienate them from their voters.

Israel US relations is key. The US is one of the major reasons Israel was formed and the major reason it exists today. The US turning on its creation without the support of its allies would be foolish it would be diplomatic suicide. Place sanctions on your most powerful ally in the middle east would be stupid. Right now if the US wants to do anything in the Middle East they can count on Israel to back them up and Israel has the means to do so. Israel has nukes and a huge army with great weapons capabilities. Pissing off and screwing over an ally would send a very bad message to the rest of the US's allies.

Internet regulation, well the republicans are in opposition its their job to oppose the Democrats. Also they have reasons for their views. This is how democracy works no single person dictates country policies. Be glad that the US is half as democratic as it is.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer