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8. Super Mario 64

Super Mario 64 was the best 3D platformer of all time, and it held that accolade for over a decade. It's also my second favourite N64 game, making it the only console to hit double figures in this list in terms of representation in the process, which of course, I always knew would be the case, as the N64 is my favourite console.

The game itself brought Mario into the 3D era, and it practically created standards in the 3D platform genre that are still being used today. Instead of linear progression from start to finish, you were suddenly given the opportunity to roam freely, and explore however you wanted to. In the process of completing one world, you could open up multiple others, and it was up to you where you went next.

The biggest compliment that I can give this game is that since its release, many others have tried to better it with more powerful technology to play with, and they've all failed to do so. It was left to Nintendo themselves to succeed in beating their own benchmark...
