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35. Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC)

Just a great JRPG with a great combat system. Very classic with many clichés. Awesome.


34. Left 4 Dead (PC)

First time I played this game, I was petrified. The sequel was a disappointment for me as I think it got rid of the amazing atmosphere of the first game.


33. Secret of Mana (SNES)

Probably the best co-op game ever, this game was amazing.


32. Mirror's Edge (PS3)

This game took me by surprised. I knew a bit what to expect from the game before buying it but I never expected it to feel so great gameplay-wise. Yeah the story was very uninspired but the gameplay and the visuals win me over. One of my most requested sequel.


31. inFamous (PS3)

Again, amazing gameplay. The atmosphere was very cool as well as the visuals. It had some bugs and felt clunky sometimes but hopefully the sequel will fix these issues.


30. GoldenEye 007 (N64)

GoldenEye is the precursor of the FPS genre as we know it. A very addictive and fun online mode is mostly what made the game so innovative. This game won't be equalled.