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milkyjoe said:

9. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)

Batman: Arkham Asylum is quite possibly one of the biggest surprises in gaming history. It's a superhero game. But it's brilliant. I know, I know, this just does not compute, but it is...

The best way to describe this game is to simply say that you feel like you are Batman while playing it, and that's the difference between an average superhero game (so that's the rest of them) and a great one.

You're creeping around the shadows, crawling through vents, moving between coincidentally well placed gargoyles, planning how to take down these pitiful henchmen, and the best thing is, you watch them get more terrified as you take them down one by one in a variety of ways. Maybe you want to leave one of them hanging from a gargoyle, let the others discover your victim, then cut him down with a well placed Batarang to really mess with their heads. Or maybe you just want to blow up a wall (or even the floor) as one of them walks along... 

This could have been even higher in the list, but a couple of disappointing boss fights (Killer Croc and The Joker), ultimately take it down a peg or two.
