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Ok a partial answer to the 22% vs. 23%.

From the study that Jorgenson did that said the average embedded costs in prices were 22%. I just saw that the 22% was including the personal taxes of the employees as well. So the 22% includes the income taxes of the employees already.... I am still researching this however. But if this is true, and it seems to be, then the earlier statement
22% "hidden taxes" + income taxes =/= 23%
is not valid because my understanding of the 22% is not valid. That being said the remaining 1% difference would have to cover the rest of the taxes collected. This is not impossible, but again I don't have the figures in front of me to make my own judgment on this.

This still does not shake any faith I have that the FairTax is both more fair and a better system than we currently have.

I will report further findings later, perhaps tomorrow. I gotta eat dinner and get some sleep eventually. It is 11:40pm CST now... sheesh when did it get so late...?

I want my WHOLE paycheck! I support the Fair Tax!