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MCV chart analysis shows unit sales for Nintendo console games almost half the market; Wii beats 360 and PS3

So in our chart analysis of games sales during the last big spending week before Christmas has shown Black Ops at No.1, with Wii Fit Plus and Just Dance claiming No.1s of their own.

We've seen PS3 score a huge chunk of the top ten sales - in the face of a fairly stagnant market.

But perhaps the biggest success last week went to Nintendo's.

More games were sold for the Wii during the week ending December 18th than any other platform - the console scored almost 30 per cent of the market in unit sales terms last week, putting it just ahead of 360 and with some distance between it and PS3.

Plus, when you include DS unit sales, Nintendo formats claim almost half the week's software sales.

(In value terms, it's actually Xbox on top in terms of single formats due to the higher price of the software, but Nintendo formats overall still come out on top when combined in that sense.)

It's a wake-up call for anyone that has supposed Wii and DS have lost momentum - even if there has been a challenging year-on-year in terms of hardware sales for the market, DS is still the bestselling console, and software for both platforms has been strong.

There are four Nintendo exclusives in top ten of the chart that decides the Xmas No.1 after all - Wii Fit Plus, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Professor Layton and the Lost Future, plus Ubisoft's Just Dance 2.