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Naraku_Diabolos said:

WoW? Cataclysm? That utter garbage?? Sorry, I don't like WoW because it is trash to me. I played it for just a day when I was at a University on my friend's laptop, and to me it is garbage. I had more fun playing FFXI than that crap. The only thing I liked about that game was the colors. COLORS, not ART STYLE. Plus that game is too much of a cartoon to suit my tastes. OH, but also the opening cinemas for WoW are pretty cool, but why can the game LOOK like the opening cinemas and not some cartoon garbage that looks like a spruced up Disney's Toon Town??

Plus the Elementals in that game don't look like the "elements." They are not supposed to look like some robotic shit that walks on two legs or floats in the are with human like appearances. I LOVED the appearance of the Elementals on FFXI; they actually looked like PURE elemental energy. Swirling air, pulsating rocks, glistening ice that floats in the air, etc.

Oh, and Cataclysm's commercial just shows one pissed off dragon that is destroying the land. What does it prove?

"AAAARRRGHH! I'm some pissed off dragon! I hate this land some I'm going to destroy it! BURN IN HELL!!!11"

EDIT: Oh, and even FFXI made WoW look like an N64 game with just a bit more polygons. Heck, even FFXIV makes it look like crap.

/end rant (and my opinion)

putting some bold letters there to show where the problem is

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!