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Soriku said:
Gamerace said:

Damn it, now I want this game.  

I havn't had an RPG fix in forever.  I'd gather from the reviews this was a totally competitent if very generic JRPG and I wanted to wait for a AAA RPG (The Last Story, Xenoblade, DQX) but with none of those even announced and reading this makes we want to buy it.  

Have to wait until after Christmas now though.    

What would you say is a fair price for it?

Well I bought it for $23-$24 on Ebay. I would say $30 is a good max price, although you can definitely get it for less. Of course this all depends on what you see and like. But playing it is a much better experience than simply watching it. There's a good deal of good games to me that I find boring to watch that are fun to play.

Btw I looked at your game collection and you should consider GC games too...ToS, Baten Kaitos.

Maybe, prefer not to have to bother with the gamecube controller and stuff but it's not like there's a lot of Wii options.

Maybe you have some suggestions - I prefer the more open combat (and free roaming) of games like Buldar's Gate to JRPGs but really any turn-based strategy RPG where you can move your characters  while in combat (Fire Emblem for example).    Speaking of Fire Emblem, I could be playing that...