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Boutros said:

We are not talking about legs jarrod. We're talking about FW sales.

Those were not affected by the bugs. Tales of Graces (Wii) was considered the best "Tales of" game by Famitsu when it came out.

Oh sure... no one knew about the crippling bugs first week.  What stunted it first week was FFXIII coming out a few days later (at least according to the retailer blogs and sites like Sinobi, Azalyn, YSO, etc).  The was also some anecdotal support of that on GAF.

I actually thought Graces first week was still okay-ish though, the real problem was the legs.  If it had legs like the other original mothership games this gen (Vesperia 360, Innocence DS, Hearts DS), it'd be between 250-350k right now rather than having stalled around 200k.