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I expect sales probubly games bundled with the hardware that aren;t usually bundled. In past years in Canada their have been gift cards and things given with consoles much like Black Friday in the states. However since the GameCube era I don't recall seeing any sales more then 25$ off.

Sales will not be as good as American's got with Black Friday thats for sure. However I bet their might be a sale on Wii this boxing day, seeing as some retailers in the states even cut the price by 50$ this means Boxing Day could likely see up to 25$ off. Infact last year if I remember correctly BestBuy or Walmart had the Wii at 175.99$ which was 25$ off so I bet similiar sales this year.

But for 360 and PS3 I think the best you can expect is maybe an extra game bundled with the hardware which is good enough for many consumers.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer