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RolStoppable said:
daroamer said:
Metallicube said:

But as I expected, the Kinect GAMES are not really selling, only the hardware, from the sheer noevelty. But eventually this will change, and the hardware sales will be brought down to the level of the software sales, unless some killer aps are released for it. It is ALWAYS games that moves hardware. Always.

Wii - Week of Dec 2006 - Americas

Top 10 Wii Software Sold (Not including bundled games) - 1.55 million units

Kinect Games - Week of Dec 11 2010 - Americas

Top 7 Kinect Games Sold (Not including bundled games) - 2.16 million units

I only did 7 because I don't know how to sort the Kinect only games and only 7 were in the Xbox top 30.

Still, those 7 games are outselling the top 10 Wii games in approx the same time period by 600,000 units in the Americas. 

So if Kinect isn't selling any games then Wii was much worse which is why it turned out to be such a gimmicky failure like so many at the time predicted.

Installed base also plays a role for software sales. What are those for the Wii and Kinect at that point in time?

EDIT: I checked the American numbers myself.

Wii hardware for the week ending December 9th 2006: 832k. Top 10 software excluding Wii Sports: 1.55m.

Kinect hardware for the week ending December 11th 2010: 2.602m. Top 7 software excluding Kinect Adventures: 2.16m.

So Kinect sold more software, but its attach rate comes in at below one game per device. Below one game! The Wii's attach rate is just under two, or in other words, one whole game sold more per system than what Kinect achieved. Adding in all available software wouldn't really change the results, so it's enough to just look at the top sellers.

On a sidenote, Kinect launched on November 4th while Wii launched on November 19th, giving Microsoft's device two weeks more in this comparison which should be an advantage for Kinect as it enjoyed a longer time period on sale and those who got it on launch day would be more likely to go out and buy an additional game.

For someone who just accused someone else a few minutes ago of leaving out important facts to fit an argument... well, you've been found guilty of the very same thing which means you aren't any better than him. But at least we now know for sure that Kinect's software sales are indeed not good.

I wasn't leaving anything out, it was simply a mistake.  When I wrote that post it was 5am and for some reason I was thinking Kinect launched on the 14th, not the 4th.  The difference is I won't be going and quoting those same numbers in another thread like I had never been corrected.

Did you calculate attach ratio on just those games I listed because i only listed 7 Kinect games vs 10 Wii launch games.  At that time of the morning I couldn't be bothered to do more than 5 mins research, especially for someone who truely doesn't care about facts anyway when it comes to Kinect.  Also keep in mind the vast majority of the early Wii game sales came from Zelda, a huge and established franchise, there was a big drop off after that game.  Zelda accounted for 685,365 of that 1.5 million, the next highest selling game was at 128,942.

I agree install base is a big factor, but then I didn't see you correcting him when he asked why Kinect games weren't selling as good as Halo Reach, or why Kinect didn't have any games as good as Wii games released this year, 4 years into the system's lifespan, instead of comparing Kinect launch games to Wii launch games where the scores are very comparable.