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Summaro400ex said:
Dno said:
this is the stupidest post i have ever read. NO Wii CANNOT and WILL NOT look any better then the gamecube at MAX. what do u think nintendo is giving us crap because they havent "found" the power of the wii? NO WAY. its NOT HD and its a LITTLE stronger then the GC at MAX power.... how are you people even comparing have you ever played 360/ps3 vs the wii?

 No one here is saying the Wii will have the same graphics as the PS3 or 360, but to say at max the Wii can do Gamecube level graphics is just ignorant. The Wii is about 2-3 times more powerful than the gamecube. Take a look at SMG and the incredible textures. The detail is incredible. Then look at SMS amd you'll see a complete lack of textures. Textures are what make games really look good and the Wii can accomplish MUCH better textures than the gamecube. But I wouldnt expect you to know any of this seeing as how I'm sure you never owned a Wii or Gamecube

well your wrong i own every nintendo system sony and microsoft system out. sega you name it. and secondly SMG is slightly better then sunshine and that game has been wored on for 3 years. the wii is running of ONE core whereas the 360 has 3 main cores and ps3 has 8 each core is 2 to 3 times stronger then wii one core. If you ever thing the wii will pull off call of duty 4 graphics (mind it its prolly the best ive seen on a console) then your crazy. it will not. and please the name of the thread is asking if it will pull it off and the answer is a big whooping HELL NO.