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Gnizmo said:

Last post was eatten. I suppose I have to state explicitly that which should be understood implicitly. I didn't comment because his post didn't merit a response. I have no interest in talking for the sake of talking. The fat that prof keeps harping on it only makes me more suspicious. Two townies playing grab ass distracts and hides mafia players. Holding onto it like that has made me more suspicious of him really.

You didn't comment because I don't merit a response?

I stated that you hadn't contributed anything, and you said nothing...but you respond to Hat, who says basically the same exact thing, that you aren't playing.

Then you call me suspicious for continuing to hound you, when you just said that "day 1 is a blow-off" for you anyways. Why you didn't say any of that to me, I am dumbfounded.

I completely call you exactly that you are contributing, you fos me and insult me with your attitude, and then go and say that "day 1 is a blow-off" and "I've been phoning it in" (which I should clarify for other means that he's faking playing, as in 'phoning in sick to work').

HoS Gnizmo and Hatmoza

Gniz for your ridiculous attitude, and Hat for not being ridiculous on top of commenting on top of my comments. You, for some reason, seem to be the only one that "merits" responses. Interesting how that works.