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Rath said:
Pemalite said:

"Homosexuality is God's gift of ensuring that the truly gifted are not burdened with Children". - Quote from some random place on the internet that I cannot remember.

Glad this came through though, several countries allow homosexuals to serve in the Military,  and they haven't collapsed. (Nor do you see men in uniform with excessive amounts of pink either.)

Everyone bleeds the same colour of blood, time for everyone to be treated equal and stop discrimination (Which is exactly what this was.)
First we had discrimination against Women, then those who are of different Race, and now those who have different sexual preferences. - And they all had something in common... They were born that way.

There are remarkably few environments where pink camouflage is the best, maybe a sniper amongst the flamingos? =P

Maybe if he's hiding in a field of pink flowers.

OT: Great news, and about time.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!