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masterb8tr said:
Kasz216 said:

Scandinavian countries are rather unique in that they work paritally because of their size and specialization of their workforce.

There is a reason why EVERYBODY tries to copy Denmark yet it never works.


Of course, it may not work for Denmark anymore either, they went from 4% unemployment to 8% in the crisis... and their economy is at risk of outsourcing.

Denmark's strengths lie in it's ability to let buisnesses grow and shrink at will by hiring and firing employees whenever they want and by having so many people qualified to do the same stuff.

norway has 3.5% unemployment. The crisis didnt seem to affect much

Not sure what that has to do with Denmark.

Though yeah, Norway was able to avoid the crisis because their interest rates weren't at stupid low levels... and they were able to drop them and actually increase demand.

Also, much like Denmark, Norway has an extremely flexable workforce.

Bigger countries CAN'T have such workforces... and as White collar jobs are outsourced out of western countries.. Norway like Denmark faces trouble.