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HappySqurriel said:
myabsolution said:

Um dude, hate to break it to ya but socialism is prevalent in every major democratic country in the world. Universal Healthcare? Welfare? yea...

Social programs and socialism isn't the same thing ...

Socialism involves the public ownership of the means of production, while a social program can be implemented in a society where individuals and private organizations own the means of production. Excessive social programs lead to socialism because eventually the government's expenditures are far greater than the government's ability to raise revenue through taxes and the only way to increase revenue is by converting private corporations into crown corporations. Over time, through incompetence and corruption, the government destroys the efficiency of the industry they have taken over (and they have increased their expenditure further) so they must take over more industries; and even then they are typically forced to print money, leading to hyper inflation and the collapse of the country.

There are social democratic countries that have been successful for long periods of time, but all socialist states fail very rapidly.

Yeah Im sorry but I cant disagree any more.

Socialism = anything government run that is public. Schools, hospitals, roads, buildings, etc

I find the private sector to be beyond the government's level of corruption. Its the corporate sector that infiltrated government and dictates policies that make their big-wig execs big dollars and keeping their pennies safe from taxation.

Very rarey do private companies get amalgamated into crown corporations. Its the exact opposite. Gov'ts want to cut spending so they simply drop their assets, and privatize their crown corp.