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Kantor said:

1) I highly doubt that they would choose Hussein and the Taliban over Karzai and Talabani.

So you've just did them a favour by invading them? If my memory serves me right same kind of rhetoric was common in propaganda of Nazi Germany. Goebbels was truly a master of words =)

I'm not surprised that propaganda worked on you, but I doubt it will affect Iraq. I'm sure that even those Iraqi people who had certain illusions in the beginning , see the difference between Hussein and present sitatuion by now. Civil deaths due to terrorism (non-existent in Iraq before) and military operations already have exceed whatever Saddam was accused of. He might be a bastard but easily manipulated and cooperative bastard, confrontation was escalated  by the West (though European democracies this time weren't usual political wussies they used to be). The situation will only get worse for them with withdrawal of occupation forces (let's see how long current Iraqi administration will survive without NATO military presence).

Speaking about Afghanistan, nothing has changed. The most relevant issue for both Afghani people and rest of the world, drugs, still unresolved. Drug production rised significantly since 90s. I'd presume Karzai is involved into business.

Well, you get the picture.