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binary solo said:

I dunno why this is especially bad for Sony, because the most promoted 3D TVs in this part of the world are Samsung and LG. So it seems like those brands are as heavily invested in 3D as Sony, if not moreso.

Also why so bad for Bestbuy but no other TV retailers? Did Bestbuy back 3D/internet TV much more than others?

On 3D itself, I have no interest in glasses required 3D active, passive or otherwise. Don't even like it at the movie theatre. I think it's best application is for gaming, but it's still rather gimmicky even then.

Somehow Nintendo is gonna make it popular with 3DS, even though that seems rather gimmicky to me too.

Also I didn't see one place in either of the articles in the OP where Sony is mentioned. How do we know that Sony TVs are selling badly? Maybe (unlikely I know) it's only Sony TVs that are selling half way decent and all the other 3D TVs are doing badly.

You're right, other manufacturers and retailers will be affected negatively by this too.

Sony was likely mentioned because, since this is a gaming site, Sony is the only one of those manufacturers that has a major stake in gaming.  Quarterly financials for Sony will be posted and discussed here while the others won't.  

So, long story short, we actually care about Sony's performance here.  : )