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long story short : reviewers when after GT5 with their pinchforks and nitpick lenses on because the game had taken over 5 years to come out , so they figured the following formula for their "reviews" :


                               Overall Game Quality

GT5 Score =       ----------------------------------

                              Time of Development


Meaning no matter how good the game could be,  an Overall Quality of a 100 wouldn't be enough, because they figured "but hey, we were expecting SO MUCH more, like a total eclipse, perfection inmaculate, you know after 5 long years I've invested WAITING! Outrageous! I've done all that waiting, I almost feel I want my money and TIME back!"

So they play the game with their ridiculous overblown expectations, expecting it to be somekind of a bastard child of the Virgin Mary with Elvis and nitpick it to death. Mind you, most of them downplay the overall picture and the numerous strengths of the game, including those that NO OTHER CONSOLE RACER HAD BEFORE, and focus their attention on trivial things and flaws that sometimes aren''t even detrimental to gameplay at all, and showing very little professionalism and coherence, they weigh these aspects where the game is at its lowest with a much harder critique and judgmental approach than that shown while reviewing other racing games including Forza 3. And of course the little formula above played a large part in all that.