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The gaming industry should do away with reviews, :P. Everybody seems to hate them, xD.

Anyway, I really don't know if gamers can change right now; when you're in a recession without a job, every fifty dollar bill counts. You can't just buy a title that has even the slightest chance of being below par. That would be a complete waste, and considering how long you'll have to wait till you save enough for another video game, experimenting with a <90 Metacritic game isn't worth it, especially since there's always lots of higher rated games left to play.

Not that that's the case with me, :P. I'm definitely not monetarily constrained and I could care less what some silly reviewers who don't even give every Pokemon/DQ game perfect by default have to say about a game, xD.


“These are my principles; if you don’t like them, I have others.” – Groucho Marx