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First need to clear up that our income is taxed differently based on the fact did our money make the money or did we work for the money.

Income derived from investing ones money is taxed at a lower rate than income derived from work. In the US the top tax rate on long term capital gains is 15%.  Just so happens the richer make more money in investments than the poorer people. Rather than work extra hours we simply let our money work for us and that pays less tax.

We also pay taxes for Social Security, but interestingly enough once your salary hits about $106,000 you stop paying Social Security taxes. Tax the lower earners, but not the high earners.  We also pay for Medicare, but that is the same rate for everyone.

Finally the bracket you are in isnt how much you pay in income taxes. Because of limits, brackets and deductions the Marginal tax rate is lower.  Warren Buffet has multiple times said he finds it ridiculous that his marginal tax rate is lower than his secrataries.

I happen to fall in the upper 2% so selfishly I should like the way it currently works, but for the good of the country the rich should pay more taxes. We use far more of the commons than the poor and middle class.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.