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Still trying to catch up on this, just wondered if anyone ever gave this a chance...

28. Digimon World 2 (PS1) - Got completely torn apart by critics, but I didn't know that at the time. The dialogue was awful and the whole game took so long I've probably spent half my life on it without noticing, but it was my first addictive gaming experience. Completing missions and collecting Digimon became an obsession of mine so much so that every spare moment of leisure time I got was dedicated to this game. I felt the digital world was a second home to me - I loved the layout, the design, the music and the characters. Joining a certain team with specific specialities towards Digimon types gave me a sense of belonging and having enemies made me want to complete the multi-100 hour game just so I could kick their ass at the end of it. Crawling around dungeons was strategic and exciting, sometimes suspenseful (whatever the critics say). By the end, the whole thing built up to something so ridiculously big that the final boss was the most insane boss I have ever seen in any game (well, almost). For me, this game was better than most Pokemon games and I urge anyone who bothered to read it to try and get their hands on a copy and play through this astonishing game that I will remember as a big part of my childhood. 9.2/10