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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

Seece said:
saicho said:
Seece said:

Balance board had 3 games that supported it come out in 2010.

35 in total, something Kinect will surpass very soon. What's more is, the vast majority of those will be KINECT only, meaning the game was bought solely for Kinect, 99% of Punch Out sales (assuming here, so shoot me) were bought for Wii, not the balance board.

You're realllllly stretching your argument, nobody is saying Kinect isn't an addon, they're just saying it's going to follow a model closer to a console, like the wii. Something you can denie till your blue in the face but come back in 2012 and you'll have been proved wrong.

I thought that's what you were saying earlier in the thread. Either everyone misunderstood your point or you are changing the point.

I meant that is how casuals will view it, not as an add on.

Ok.. but they still have to BUY it as an add on, doesn't matter how they "view" it. And I doubt very many people are running out spending $300 to play... Dance Central, and Kinect Adventures.

At the end of the day, the success or failure of this device will rely entirely on its GAMES, an area it seems to be currently lacking.

If MS wants Kinect to have success to be anywhere near the Wii, they need to start releasing quality titles for it, worth shelling out that kind of money, or else its sales will come crashing down hard. And as of now, and in the forseeable future, I see absolutely no games worth spending $150 plus to buy, let alone $300 plus, which the "casualz" are all apparently supposed to run out and get since they don't own an Xbox 360. Its top three games in quality; Kinect Adventures, Kinect Sports, and Dance Central, may be good, but have been more or less done already on the Wii.

Children of Eden looks ok, and the Star Wars game can be kinda neat, but those are not going to be the kind of games the push hardware.