#36 Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES)
"Never knew Mario was such a crybaby..."
Yoshi! Having played a minor role in Super Mario World Yoshi returned in Super Mario World 2, and this time he (they?) was the star!
I just love Yoshi. His style, his abilites, his super-relaxed appearance. I don't remember when or how I got this game, but I remember loving it from the very start. The beautiful art and music in the opening sequence amazed me and when it was time to play it felt quite different from the other Mario's I had played, but it was so much fun!
The game's art is simply gorgeous and the music is very catchy; the ending theme has made me cry many a time. T_T (While writing this I couldn't help but search youtube for that song so I could listen to it again. I ended up listening through half the soundtrack )
Levels in this game are great. At first they are quite easy but they get hard towards the end and if you want 100% you'll have to be skilled. I've never considered boss fights in Mario games to be among the better parts but I really liked the ones in Yoshi's Island. The tactics to defeat them are varied; some of them are EPIC (the final boss!!!) ; some are just disgusting I don't wanna know how Yoshi escaped the frog's belly. NO! Don't...tell me. Don't destroy my innocent childhood memories!