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Metallicube said:

Oh man, Seece would be frothing at the mouth if he read that Malstrom post. If he said all that on this site, he'd be banned. XD.

That posts encapsulates many of my feelings, not just on Kinect, but other things as well. I too see a eerie resemblence to the 32x with the Kinect, as MS is trying to render the Wii obsolete with its device, as Sega tried to render the SNES obsolete with the 32x. Also, I do not see the quality for the games as of yet, and the few that do look to be of some quality are nothing the Wii hasn't already done. Odd too that a Donkey Kong Country game comes out right around the release of both these devices O_o.

While I do suspect the Kinect will fare better than the 32x, (as MS has a larger userbase to work with than Sega did), I predict the sales to have similar patterns. Massive sales on the strength of the holiday and all the initial hype, and a major drop early next year when the holiday season dies down and there is no strengthening of the Kinect library. Much like on a console, at the end of the day, it is the GAMES that will make or break this add on. I too NEVER see people talking about Kinect games. I only see them talking about how fun the KINECT is, and how it will help MS beat the PS3 and even the Wii.

Also, this quote: 3) Nintendo is coming off a line of bad software. And by bad software, I mean software that doesn’t sell the hardware (for that is the purpose of First Party Software). After the spike from Mario 5 and the updated Wii Sports and Wii Fit software, what has Nintendo released? There was more 3d Mario in the form of Mario Galaxy 2. There was Metroid: Other M which is a game Nintendo should be as ashamed as they are of the CD-i Mario and Zelda games. There is Donkey Kong Country Returns but that is a very recent game and is only one game. And it isn’t a NCL game.

is exactly what I have been saying for months, but nobody seems to believe me.. Then they wonder why the Wii goes from sputtering in the charts to suddenly on fire again despite no price cut; it's because it is finally getting some strong software for the first time since NSMB Wii.

Just LOVE how malstrom continues to bring a reality check amongst the hardcore and mainstream gaming media.

The Killer-App Add-on Myth is one of the best Malstrom articles!

Will Kinect have a game like New Super Mario Bros Wii to keep or even increase its sales? Because I haven't seen anyone until now.

I think people should read more Malstrom articles instead of the watch Pacher Attack. Malstrom does mistakes but he is a far way better analyst than Pacher.