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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

MaxwellGT2000 said:
Seece said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:

Ahh another week, another sales thread that turned into a DEFEND KINECT thread, guess since the SDF is taking a break we need a new name for this new force, Kinect Defense Force! 

Ahh two success stories means Kinect support will be massive by all these third parties! Thing is one of those success stories was first party  Kinect is apparently also a console, you know I could buy a Kinect and it plays games on it own, you know like the definition of a game console, no 360 required! Just because an add-on has different functions doesn't make it a console.

Really now this is all pretty silly and terribly off topic.

I'm impressed by GT5's minor drop, I was actually expecting a bigger drop.  Console sales overall are good. Glad to see DKCR increase in numbers this week, for people that love a good challenging platformer like I do it deserves a purchase.  i am most impressed with how fast numbers were up this week, good work team 

Oh wow yet again maxwell fails to read correctly on most counts!

I can't wait for end of January.


"Comparing it to Wii Fit is stupid, Wii Fit isn't HW that is going to get meaningful price cuts and SW for it ..... as far as casuals go (the people amazed by Wii) Kinect is a CONSOLE. They'll buy the BUNDLE."

Calling it a console is calling it a console I like how I reference two posts and it's "most" when at most all it could be is half if it's not all and well...

"What Kinect DOES seem to have that Wii doesn't, is 3rd party support en mass. This will help. Dance Central will sell more than Rock Band 3 on 360, giving Harmonix a big incentive to make 2. Kinect Sports will be Rares biggest game this gen, and could reach 1.8-2.0 by the end of this year alone." 

You list two games, one of which is first party, it failed to support your main idea "Kinect has 3rd party support en mass", when the two games you list one is a third party title at 600k while the first party title is selling well above at 1.08m 

And I was just talking about how these threads always seem to boil down to someone defending whatever is new from some console they seem to be paid to defend, a few weeks ago it was Move, now it's Kinect, I find the whole thing in general very far from the OP there's no real need for it in a sales thread, if you don't think that's silly then what is?

I've wondered about this myself.. Malstrom has always tried to claim there are actually lots of these people out there but I've always found it hard to believe. Though it does strike me odd that there are these super passionate and avid Move and Kinect supporters that magically come out of the woodwork and so agressively defend these brand new unproven peripherals with so few games that support them, and even fewer quality games so far. I just look at the Kinect library and find myself scratching my head why some people are apparently so passionate about these games. The viral marketer thing would certainly make sense. Of course, not saying that Nintendo is necessarily innocent with these tactics either.