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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

Things I'm pleased to see:

GT5 hold, of course.

Naruto Shippuden selling well, on PS3 at least, doing OK on 360.

R.U.S.E finally crawling to 100K. I have the game and it's all right, deserves reasonable sales

RE5 still getting a trickle of sales on PS3, thanks no doubt to Move.

PS3 is the number 1 current gen home console in the geographically and populationally largest sales region of the world, it's a pity all those places and people only amount to 3.7 million in total PS3 sales. But PS2 sales across those countries means PS3 has some pretty good growth potential once it gets to the right price, and PS2 is finally buried.

Things I'm surprised to see:

Kinect>360 wow. Kinect is working its magic indeed.

PS3 lift only 5%

360 lift 18% (compared to PS3 lift)

360>PS3 in Italy

PS2>100K (thanks almost entirely to Middle East, Asia and Africa (I suspect mostly South Asia and Africa).

With EMEAA being so close between 360 and PS3 there's a chance 360 could sneak past PS3 in total global 2010 sales. I wouldn't have picked that. Though special deals in the USA for PS3 might just keep PS3 ahead. It's also possible that 360 will beat PS3 at least 1 week in EMEAA this month.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix