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phil said:

You've provided not one single economic analysis to show that the FairTax would actually be fair. All you've done is made claims. I doubt your claims, but in an attempt to be fair, I tried looking up some data for you. All of the data I found suggests that tax burden would increase for everyone making between $15,000 and $200,000 a year, with the tax burden on those making over $200,000 falling off quite a bit.

You've made claims that this simply isn't true, but I doubt your claims, and without hard numbers my mind won't change. Yes, that's right, I'm calling you on your bullshit. Get crackin.

Edit: Mike Huckabee thinks the Earth is 6000 years old. 8 years of that kind of crap has been more than enough.

This was an unprovoked attack and is not going to get any friendly response from me. I have not criticised you for any beliefs you may have, I have simply been expressing this grand idea of a FairTax that will benefit everyone. I will show this in my next post. So sit down and listen.

I want my WHOLE paycheck! I support the Fair Tax!