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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

LivingMetal said:
Seece said:
LivingMetal said:

But forums and message boards I'm aware of normally do not condone trolling and the continual encouragement of trolling once that trolling has been initiated.  So if we can continue to discuss Metallicubes's point, then he wasn't trolling as you originally accused him of.  Logical?

No? Where did I say stealth trolling was punishable, people get away with it all the time. "not enough evidence"

Stealth trolling is still trolling.  The intent is there regardless of the action.  So it's equally as bad.  If not, it would not have been an issue.  Or maybe the real issue was someone reasonably pointing out a fair comparison between WiiFit and Kinect Adventures.  But then there was this "think next time and don't jump straight into trolling" comment amongst other similar ones.  Nite.

Yes I know that??? It's still not bannable here though unless the poster has a history, do keep up.