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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

Metallicube said:
Seece said:
LivingMetal said:
Seece said:
Metallicube said:
psrock said:

They are both addons, right? they both rely on their console and they both support extra software.

Yeah, I also see Kinect more like the Wii Fit/Balance board than the Wii itself, as it is an addon that relies more on full body motion, and relies on a single game to push it (Wii Fit/Kinect Adventures). They are both sort of a one trick pony. People can act like Kinect is a console, but the fact is, in order to own a Kinect, or any of its games, you first need to own an Xbox 360. Much like with the balance board, it is a console add on.

Nice trolling, it's funny how Kinect Adventures isn't even the best game on Kinect.

Pardon me, but I honestly do not see where Metallicube is trolling.

Bolded, you'll come to learn the art of stealth trolling soon, and those who rely on it

Ok, but then but then if that's trolling then I must be trolling the Wii Balance board as well, right? So it evens out :P. That part is probably ok with you though..

Sorry, but that is just my opinion, and I don't see anything wrong with that statement. If it offends anybody then I'm sorry but it's not my intention.

It's your opinion Kinect has one game (Kinect Adventures) so there fore it's a one trick pony)

The balance board has Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus, plus a few other games that have sold moderatly well but don't relie on it, not did they sell because of it (Punch Out!, Wii Music)

Kinect already has Kinect Sports above 1 mill, and Dance Central will reach 1 mill by year end, remind you of any console and not peripheral?

To an extent, Balance board is a one trick pony.

But different genres doing big numbers on Kinect, all the hacks, prove Kinect is not a one trick pony, nor does it have "one game". Not to mention it'll have more games come out like the Wii has, that invigorate sales.

You know all this already if you actually removed your bias and thought about it, think next time and don't jump straight into trolling.