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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

psrock said:
Darth Tigris said:
psrock said:
Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:
psrock said:


Who'd thunk it psrock?

I am actually quite surprised, but sadly those numbers are bound change as they do each year. Who knows, 360 is probably winning anyway the last few weeks.  It's  hard to believe Kinect is now starting to have an effect. 

Why do you keep comparing it to the Wii? Its an addon, it will have as much as an effect as Wiifit. And it's blowing up in one country while doing well in others.

Because its more comparable to the Wii than to WiiFit.  Sure, its an addon but people are buying it because they want Kinect, not because they want Kinect Adventures.  WiiFit was about the game, not the balance board.  Plus Kinect is about multiple games people look to play with it while WiiFit was about that one game.

Kinect has taken reinvigorated 360 redesign sales and boosted them even more.  People are hot for it and this demand isn't going to go away.  As they add more core games and features, they'll even get 360 owners like me to buy it.  But, as the reported bundle sales have shown, it IS growing the userbase in a significant way this season and don't expect that to stop.

As for the country thing, EMEAA sales for this week have it selling more than the 360 and only 30k less than the PS3.  Its not just one country.

Kinect has helped 360 more than Wiifit help the Wii?

I think WiiFit helped define what makes the Wii what it is today so it was a big help to the Wii which helped translate to great sales.  Kinect has been out too soon to see where it goes.