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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

atma998 said:

Like I said my breakdown of GT5 sales for the upcoming years are:

4 million by year's end

2 million for year 2011

750k for 2012 and 400k for 2013 for a grand total of 7.15M LTD. So even if it reach let's say 4.5M by year's end it won't make the game reach 9-10M.

As for Americas and Japan, it is indeed really low numbers that we have seen so far. I mean come on the Japan preview for this week is showing GT5 at only 30k how can you find that not ''poor''?

Here's my prediction

2010: 4.6m. (4.6m). It's going to get near 4m next week. It'll probably end this year at around 4.6mil

2011: 2.6m. (7.2m). Uncharted 2 is going to do nearly 2mil in it's 2nd year (It's currently at 1.5mil). Seeing as how GT is much bigger than Uncharted (espescially when talking legs), It's reasonable to suggest 2.6mil in the second year.

2012: 0.8m. (8.0m)

2013: 0.5m. (8.5m)

It'll die off somewhere between 8 - 9mil I think when It's all said done. It's almost definitely going to be bundled too.