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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

CGI-Quality said:
atma998 said:
CGI-Quality said:

Well at this rate, 5 million by year's end shouldn't be too hard. If you expect it just to sell 6-7million in it's life, when it would have done most of that in it's first month on the market, then your expectation isn't realistic. Therefore, I'm inclined to be more optimistic.

And it isn't selling "very poorly" in America or Japan. It's just not doing the gangbusters it is in EMEAA (the region where it was always projected to sell it's highest amount).

Like I said my breakdown of GT5 sales for the upcoming years are:

4 million by year's end

2 million for year 2011

750k for 2012 and 400k for 2013 for a grand total of 7.15M LTD. So even if it reach let's say 4.5M by year's end it won't make the game reach 9-10M.

As for Americas and Japan, it is indeed really low numbers that we have seen so far. I mean come on the Japan preview for this week is showing GT5 at only 30k how can you find that not ''poor''?

Let's take a close look at GT5's current sales: 3.44mill. That's with 2 full weeks left of data in 2010. It's also without Japan or America's numbers. It'll probably clear 4 million next week (give or take) and be either just above or right at 5 when the year is over. Remember the Christmas week will probably give it a boost in EMEAA (albeit, a tiny one).

Also, if GT5 is indeed anywhere between 30-40k in Japan, it won't be too far behind GT4 for the same week. You also don't consider the likely possibility of future bundling.

I always said my prediction DOESNT take into account bundling. Also why compared it to GT4? It would be more honest to compared it to GT3 since its the first full GT of the gen like GT3. The same here goes for FFXIII, we have to compare it to FFX not FFXII.