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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

CGI-Quality said:
atma998 said:
tombi123 said:

Can we now say that GT5 will sell 9M plus? Yes we can!

No we can't!

Maybe right now is a tad too early to call it. However, if continues to drop ever so slightly, and ends up 5 mill (plus) by year's end, it has a shot at it. Knowing GT's legs in EMEAA, I think his optimism is forgivable.

Indeed this is great 3rd week for EMEAA but let's be serious for a second, we're only in the 3rd week so we cannot even talk about legs for now... Let's talk about it again in 8-10 weeks. The game is selling great in EMEAA but it's selling very poorly in Americas and Japan on the other hand. Also don't expect GT5 to reach 400k for the next three weeks in EMEAA.