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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

CGI-Quality said:
Seece said:
CGI-Quality said:
Seece said:

It's sad to see people thinking that because PS3 isn't dominating over 360 it has to be adjusted up. You're not looking at this logically.

Down 15k YoY, with no sudden price cut and new model? That s SPECTACULAR. GT5 isn't as big as those 2 combined, GT5 wasn't the gateway that stopped millions buying a PS3, it's high price was. Now GT5 has given it a nice boost, but to think it's high numbers there should be pulling in tens of thousands of new buyers is odd, remember, the PS3 has been out 3 and a half years in EMEAA, a LOT of the GT fans will have bought the system. I mean .. we saw a bigger bump for MGS4 .. because it launched close to launch of the PS3.

If GT5 hadn't released this holiday, I imagin it would have got a bigger bump than 360 this week.

Some good points. 15k down is practically flat. It's just that the 360 is so massively up YoY, everything else pales in comparison.

I can't speak for the rest of EMEAA, but the X factor final, in each of the final 4 ad breaks for the season, were Kinect ads adveritisng one kinect game per ad. Those ads cost in the region of 250k per 30 seconds ...

MS are laying serious money into advertising, that and of course Kinect IS getting amazing word of mouth.

So true. Here in the States, it's loved. I have an uncle and a couple of cousins who just picked it up, and they ate it up!

And my friends at school think it is a piece of shit.

Anecdotal evidence is great.