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RolStoppable said:
Dodece said:
This is where the Wii library is going. The train left months ago, and the ticket told you exactly where you were going. Now you have the audacity to act surprised by the destination. That is a surreal amount of brain damage. This is why dedicated PS3/360 fans look at you like your nuts. Shake their heads when you get excited about the library, or even dare to say it is really good. Which you shouldn't, and it isn't.

That said Konami is responding to the voice of the consumer. The consumer wants mini games with little depth. Graphics are not very relevant. The more simplistic the controls the better, and by all means keep the price down if at all possible. The consumer really isn't looking for a real game. Then make sure you spend as little as possible developing it Wii owners do not buy a lot of games after all.

You guys basically have no clue what you want. You scream about third party delivery then extol the virtues of Wii fit, Wii play, Wii sports, and soon enough Wii music. Then you act puzzled by where companies like Konami are coming from. They are trying to make money, and your fellow players are not hardcore hell they aren't even core. Your playing with many people that when it comes to gaming are mildly retarded.

I will sum up my post in one simple yet eloquent line.

