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Xen said:


I'm from a PAL country and I'm very familiar with the PAL "gaming" mentality.  I suffer because of it, too, having to import most of my games from the states. As for "proper treatment"... SO4 and Lost Odyssey got it... didn't get them anywhere, though.

I apologize for blindly assuming you were an ignorant US resident, your post suggested as much. But I have to ask, If you yourself live in a PAL country and know how things roll here, why do you place blame on the gamers and act like these kinds of titles are all readily available just asking to be picked up, when that is never usually the case? And why do you try to offset VivaLaWiida's post by nitpicking a number of lower profile JRPG's that sold better in US regions? You're not giving enough (or any) credit to the performance of higher profile JRPG's, while focusing too much on the smaller titles of the past, which - a lot of the time - European regions don't even get, or if they're lucky enough to get, don't get any promotion and are in limited numbers.

How technical is your game?