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DaHuuuuuudge said:

The list of games coming out that are serious competitors for the GOTY in 2011:

  • GeOW3
  • Uncharted 3
  • LBP 2
  • Mass Effect 3
  • SKYRIM!!!!
  • Skyward Sword

These games are all sequels of games that have won many game of the year awards. I don't think that there will be a clear GOTY next year.

And many other games like TLG, portal 2, a new L4D, Arkham City etc.

Should be really, REALLY close this year.

You started out good with the list, but then you included 2 games from my most hated classes, in LBP and Skyward.  I personally can't stand either platformers or any nintendo game.

so in order here is my list



Diablo 3

Deus ex (if it channels the original)


X-men destiny (only if silicon Knights uses the Too Human combat system and growth mechanic as Too Human is still a top 5 game for this gen regardless what the haters say).

Space Marine (if it is more ARPG than hack and slash button masher)