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Terranigma: When I first played it I thought it was great but I didn't expect the depth it offered (somehow I thought going through the five towers in the underworld was pretty much it ). When I first set my foot on the surface I was wowed. Goodness, this game is huge, and now I'm alone going to resurrect life on earth! It was magical seeing the first plants growing; seeing the first animals. There's so much greatness in this game it's painful knowing how unknown the game actually is. How 'bout a VC release SE!?


Zelda: Ocarina of Time: OoT is a long series of "Wow!"-moments but the one I rememer the most is when you get Epona. Escaping Lon Lon Ranch and realising that I have a goddamn horse now was a truly awsome experience. That may be my most favourite moment in a game ever.